
Berlin Anthropology Seminars im Sommersemester 2024

This seminar series constitutes a joint initiative by anthropologists from the Institute for Social and Cultural Anthropology at FU Berlin, ZMO, and Ethnologisches Museum. It intends to shape and cultivate an inclusive platform and open regular meeting point for exchange and discussion on current research by Berlin-based anthropologists. Please  spread the word among colleagues, junior or senior, who may be interested. For further questions contact: Carolin Gantz Vargas, c.gantz.vargas@fu-berlin.de The organizers of the series are Paola Ivanov, Claudia Liebelt, and Kai Kresse. The events take place bi-weekly on Wednesday from 04.15 - 5.45 pm.


May 8 Laibor Kalanga Moko (FU Berlin): The House of Iloikop: A Critical Maasai
Perspective on the Humboldt Forum
Seminarzentrum Otto-von Simson-Str. 26 | L115

May 22 Heike Becker (Univ. of the Western Cape): Decolonizing South African
Seminarzentrum Otto-von Simson-Str. 26 | L115

June 5 Katharina Lange (Leibniz Institut Moderner Orient): Disordered Times.
Cultivation, Violence and Care in Human-Plant-Relations (Afrin, Syria)
Seminarzentrum Otto-von Simson-Str. 26 | L115

June 19 Jonas Tinius (Humboldt Universität Berlin): Theatre and Theory:
Anthropological Fieldwork and the Production of Artistic Knowledge
Hittorfstr. 18 | Seminar room

July 3 Nasima Selim (Universität Bayreuth): A Sufi is Someone who Breathes Well!
Breathing Well in Suffocating Times
Seminarzentrum Otto-von Simson-Str. 26 | L115
Book launch of „Breathing Hearts: Sufism, Healing, and Anti-Muslim Racism in
Germany“ (Berghahn Books) and breathwork

Online meeting:
Link: https://fu-berlin.webex.com/wbxmjs/joinservice/sites/fu-berlin/meeting/download/d932b2f72a9746e9a9fbc68fd11fdfab?siteurl=fu- berlin&MTID=mf3cf5163af7c913bd05d1273b823322b
Meeting ID: 2731 889 2689
Meeting Password: BAS_summer_2024

Veranstaltungen zur Vortragsreihe


Mittwoch, 08. Mai 2024
17:15 Uhr

Seminarzentrum Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26 (Raum L115), Freie Universität Berlin


Mittwoch, 22. Mai 2024
17:15 Uhr

Seminarzentrum Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26 (Raum L115), Freie Universität Berlin


Mittwoch, 05. Juni 2024
17:15 Uhr

Seminarzentrum Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26 (Raum L115), Freie Universität Berlin


Mittwoch, 19. Juni 2024
17:15 Uhr

Seminarraum, Hittorfstr. 18, Freie Universität Berlin


Mittwoch, 03. Juli 2024
17:15 Uhr

Seminarzentrum Otto-von-Simson-Str. 26 (Raum L115), Freie Universität Berlin