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  4. Themenheft: Relational Lives – Historical Subjectivities in Global Perspective

Riecken, Nils; Liebau, Heike

Themenheft: Relational Lives – Historical Subjectivities in Global Perspective

Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2019

Geschichte und Gesellschaft - Zeitschrift für historische Sozialwissenschaft, 45, 3, Juli - September 2019

140 S.


How do people and objects find their places in the world through establishing certain relations to history? The contributions for this special issue focus on the making of such relations as sites of knowledge production. They discuss practices of relating to history as embedded in already existing registers and politics of historical knowledge as well as institutionalized practices of performing history. Bringing together the study of lives of both human subjects and material objects across the areas of Asia, Africa and Europe, the special issue makes a significant contribution to the field of global history generally, and studies of transnational and global lives particularly.

Beiträge aus dem ZMO
Liebau, Heike : Navigating Knowledge, Negotiating Positions
Nikro, Norman Saadi : Edward Said and AutoBioGraphy
Riecken, Nils : Introduction: Relational Lives. Historical Subjectivities in Global Perspective
Riecken, Nils : Practices of Timing and Critical Subjectivity
Sarreiter, Regina : The Trace of Stones
Schielke, Samuli; Shehata, Mukhtar : The Writing of Lives