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  4. Indienbezogene Dokumentarfilme produziert von der DEFA in der DDR, 1946–1989. Bestand des Progress Filmarchivs, Berlin

Haque, Reyazul

Indienbezogene Dokumentarfilme produziert von der DEFA in der DDR, 1946–1989. Bestand des Progress Filmarchivs, Berlin

In: (Ed.)
MIDA Thematische Ressourcen / Thematic Resources 2019
An open-access online publication series which provides research data related to archival collections on modern India in German archives



Englisch: Non-Fiction films produced by DEFA in the German Democratic Republic, 1946–1989. Collections of the Progress Film Archive, Berlin: www.projekt-mida.de/en/thematicressources/list-of-non-fiction-films-produced-by-defa-in-the-german-democratic-republic-1946-1989-collections-of-the-progress-film-archive-berlin/