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  4. Universalising Aspirations: Community and social Service in the Isma?ili Imagination in Twentieth-Century South Asia and East Africa
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Mukherjee, Soumen

Universalising Aspirations: Community and social Service in the Isma?ili Imagination in Twentieth-Century South Asia and East Africa


Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 3

p. 1–19


Taking the example of the Isma?ilis in colonial South Asia and East Africa, this article examines some aspects of the complexities involved in the identity formation of communities seeking gradual redefinitions in a deterritorialised global context, reformulating notions of community membership in the process. The Isma?ili case illustrates an intertwined history of the development of community identity, and a language of social service that became the hallmark of the community under a religious leadership that virtually redefined its position through a vigorous and increasing emphasis on the idiom of social commitment. At one level, this thrust marks a passage from the translocal to the global context, intelligible in terms of the conceptual rubric of global assemblages. At another level, the article also seeks to evaluate the nature of the community's diasporic experience in Africa. It suggests that the ideational framework and praxis of social service — and in more recent times grander developmental endeavours addressing the needs of both Isma?ilis and non-Isma?ilis across the world — both reflect, and are mutually constitutive of, more fundamental experiments with identity and repositioning of religious authority that the Isma?ilis first witnessed in colonial South Asia and East Africa. This article is thus an effort to retrieve some of the continuities and ruptures in the historical process.