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  4. Salafi Aesthetics: Preaching Among the Sunnance in Niamey, Niger
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Sounaye, Abdoulaye

Salafi Aesthetics: Preaching Among the Sunnance in Niamey, Niger

Brill Online, 2017

p. 9–41


In their effort to contribute to Islamic reform in Niamey, young Salafi (Sunnance) have

embraced preaching and have made it part of their religious practice. As preachers or

audience members, they invest time and energy to imagine various ways to popularize

the Sunna, the tradition of the prophet Muhammad. Because of the jokes, mimicry, and

theatrics that characterize their preaching style, their critics have rejected their initiatives,

claiming they are unqualified and therefore should not be allowed to preach. In

response, Sunnance have argued that an effective sermon (wazu) requires art, skills,

ingenuity and know-how (iyawa, hikma in Hausa). By examining how aesthetics are

central to Sunnance popular and street preaching, this article invites a reexamination

of Salafism through its aesthetic forms. Wazu is not just a gathering that seeks to deliver

a message, be it divine; it is also a way to promote religiosity through particular cultural

and aesthetic performances.