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Bajpai, Anandita; Liebau, Heike

MIDA Archival Reflexicon 2019

An open-access online archival guide, which is a platform for theoretical and conceptual reflections on archival architectures/organizing logics as well as thematic contributions on India-related holdings of specific German archives


ISBN 2628-5029
Contributions from ZMO
Bajpai, Anandita : Introducing the MIDA Archival Reflexicon
Bajpai, Anandita : Tracing, Cataloguing, Indexing: Reflections on the Joachim and Petra Heidrich papers in the Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Archive
Liebau, Heike : "Unternehmungen und Aufwiegelungen“: Das Berliner Indische Unabhängigkeitskomitee in den Akten des Politischen Archivs des Auswärtigen Amts (1914–1920)