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Swarowsky, Daniela; Schielke, Samuli; Heister, Andrea (ED.)

In Search of Europe?

Art and Research in Collaboration: An Experiment

Jap Sam Books, Heijningen, 2013

185 p.

ISBN 9490322431

Can we talk about Europe without being Eurocentric? How can we meet on equal footing in an unequal world? These are questions that emerge from a research project and an experiment of artists and researchers working together towards an art exhibition in Kunstraum Kreuzberg/Bethanien in Berlin in 2013. With an eye on creativity, political ideologies, travel, and migration and with a range of research locations ranging from West Africa, the Middle East, and Western Europe to Southeast Africa and the Balkans, the research group set out to understand how people remember the past, strive for a better future, or think about alternatives in an entangled world. In the course of the exhibition project, seven research-art collaborations evolved and developed these themes into artistic positions. In this book, the researchers, artists, and guest authors document and reflect about the process that resulted in this exhibition through essays, artwork produced for the exhibition (partly sketches) and documentary imagery.

Contributions from ZMO
Diaz, Vanessa : Fieldwork, Friendship, and Counter-Narratives, or: Why Collaboration Matters
Gräf, Bettina ; Graw, Knut ; Schielke, Samuli : Post-Metonymy and the Question of Europe (Researchers' Programmatic Introduction)
Graw, Knut ; Menin, Charlotte : Photography and Ethnography: Notes on the Idea of a Collaboration
Mbodj, Aïssatou ; Michalon, Anissa : Locating Migration: Narratives, Memories, and Places of West African Migration in Paris
Mende, Leyla von : Ist das Wissenschaft oder kann das weg? – A Footnote
Schielke, Samuli ; Sherif, Maher : Foreign Agendas and Iskenderiyan Standards - Fragments of a Shared Work
Schielke, Samuli; Swarowsky, Daniela : Introduction
Swarowsky, Daniela : The ISOE Pre-Events: An Experimental Space