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Dandekar, Deepra

Editorial Preface

vol. 5, no. 2

In: (Ed.)
Nidan: International Journal of Indian Studies
vol. 5, no. 2

University of Kwa Zulu-Natal, 2020

p. i-i


2020 has been a singular year for us, and we at Nidān are hardly exceptional for feeling burdened by the global chaos of the CoVid-19 pandemic. While some of our contributors could hardly move out of home, or do fieldwork, with libraries and archives also remaining shut, many contributors were stuck abroad, in the middle of lockdowns and travel bans, unable to meet family, friends, and colleagues, but as virtual, zoom-skype presences. Our sense of reality receded this year, becoming transformed into a hybrid form that was, on the one hand isolating, but on the other, catapulted us as global scholars, able to meet across continents with never-before-imagined ease.