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  4. Drawing Cyprus: Power-sharing, identity and expectations among the next generation in Northern Cyprus
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Özgür, Ergün; Köprülü, Nur; Reuchamps, Min

Drawing Cyprus: Power-sharing, identity and expectations among the next generation in Northern Cyprus


Mediterranean Politics, 24, 2

p. 237–259

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/13629395.2017.1404720

In order to capture how young people in northern Cyprus see the Cyprus Question, we asked more than 300 students to ‘draw Cyprus’ and surveyed their political attitudes, as well as their identities and preferences for the future of the island. The results show that the Turkish Cypriot students, in comparison with the students from Turkey and from the other countries, are more supportive of a decentralized federative structure, identify themselves with the Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot identities, and more willing to embrace a consociational approach to the Cyprus Question.


online ab 22.11.2017