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Ahmad, Ali Nobil; Heinrich Böll Foundation (ED.)

Climate Justice and Migration

Mobility, Development, and Displacement in the Global South

Heinrich Böll Foundation, Berlin, 2020
Serie: Publication Series on Democracy, 57

160 p.

ISBN 978-3-86928-223-7

How should policymakers respond to the reality and future prospect of vast populations being displaced and relocated in an era of global heating? With climate change looming, anxiety over immigration from the Global South is increasingly fuelled by apocalyptic fears of ecological breakdown.

"Climate Justice and Migration. Mobility, Development, and Displacement in the Global South" offers fresh perspectives on the relationship between climate change and human migration, questioning the pessimistic prisms of ‘security’ and market-oriented approaches to ‘adaptation’ that currently guide policy.

In a world increasingly shaped by climate instability and inequality, the contributors make an impassioned call for the incorporation of justice within frameworks of environmental and migration governance.

Contributions from ZMO
Gaibazzi, Paolo : Can migration from West Africa be prevented by climate-resilient agriculture?