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Sai, Siew-Min; Hoon, Chang-Yau (Eds.)

Chinese Indonesians Reassessed

History, Religion and Belonging

Routledge, Hoboken, 2012

Routledge Contemporary Southeast Asia Series, 52

240 p.

ISBN 0415608015

The Chinese in Indonesia form a significant minority of about three percent of the population, and have played a disproportionately important role in the country. Given that Chinese Indonesians are not seen as indigenous to the country and are consistently defined against Indonesian nationalism, most studies on the community concentrate on examining their ambivalent position as Indonesia's perennial "internal outsider." Chinese Indonesians Reassessed argues for the need to dislodge this narrow nationalistic approach and adopt fresh perspectives which acknowledge the full complexity of ethnic r

Contributions from ZMO
Hew, Wai Weng : Expressing Chineseness, Marketing Islam