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Hegasy, Sonja; Kaschl, Elke (ED.)

Changing Values among Youth

Examples from the Arab World and Germany

Klaus Schwarz Verlag, Berlin, 2005
Serie: ZMO-Studien 22

310 p.

ISBN 3-87997-637-6
DOI: urn:nbn:de:101:1-201709074160

This volume takes examples from Morocco, Egypt, Palestine, Iraq, Syria and Germany to demonstrate the potential and the limitations of youth research in the Arab world and beyond. The study of young adults is still underdeveloped as an area of research. Despite growing awareness of its vital signifi cance
since September 11th, not a single comprehensive youth study exists for an Arab country. Current research is often scattered, partly inaccessible, and to a great extent concentrates on specialized topics.
It is crucial, not merely for Arab societies, to know more about the attitude of almost two-thirds of the Arab population to social and political issues. Apart from one qualitative contribution on young men in Iraq, the volume focuses less on data analysis
than on data collection and methodology in very difficult surroundings. The majority of Arab states do not allow opinion surveys to be conducted in their countries. Both major inter-national research centres and individual researchers have had severe problems.

Reviews, 30. April 2007
(englisch / arabisch)
DAVO Nachrichten,
Bd. 25,
August 2007
INAMO Heft 51, Herbst 2007
Orientalische Literaturzeitung, 105, 2010, 2