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  4. A Space of Appearance: Romani Publics and Privates in the Middle East
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Roy, Arpan

A Space of Appearance: Romani Publics and Privates in the Middle East


Anthropological Theory, 24, 2

p. 175-200

DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/1463499623119421

This article reads the emergence of a Romani political space in Jordan, and its containment in the private sphere in Palestine, through Hannah Arendt’s classic The Human Condition. In modernity, Arendt argues, political potential has been stifled by a kind of despotism best characterized by a masculine domination associated with the private sphere of the family. Given that such a position is to a great extent based on Arendt’s reading of Classical Greek philosophy, and to some extent Roman and early Christian thought, what variations to such a neat division can be found in the case of Romani groups in Arab/Islamic contexts that are beyond Arendt’s geographic and epistemological scope? This article puts Arendt’s idealized notion of the public/ private into conversation with the longue durée of settlement and politics of Romani groups in Palestine and Jordan. Working with Arendt and alternate but related notions of the public/private in the Middle East, this article aims to offer a nuanced understanding of kinship and politics in a context in which the political is incomplete without the private.